Who am I?

“Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If somebody told you it was a happy tale, if somebody said I was just your average guy, not a care in the world… somebody lied.” Peter Parker, “Spider-Man”.

What can I really say about myself?

I’m a dork.

I love movies, well, I’m a pop culture junk.

I’m pathologically shy.

I’m fat.

I can be sort of grumpy.

Bright lights hurt my eyes.

Loud noises piss me off.

Curry upsets my tummy.

I like burgers and coke (the soft drink not the 80s favorite past time).

Have I mentioned I love movies? Well, I do.

You can call me either Jericho, or JK or just Fat Man.

Also, I love movies.

Anything else, feel free to ask, people.

Much love,


4 thoughts on “Who am I?

  1. Thank you so much for stopping by! Love your blog -cinema is my n°1 passion and I try to watch as many movies as I can whenever I have a little bit of time -love your rankings and agree with every single one I’ve seen here 🙂 Good job!
    Love, Anna

    • Aww, thanks, Anna, and no problem. Your blog and your photos rule. You have a great eye and a great sensibility. That Malibu beach photo is my favorite, for some reason. Keep up the good work!

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